Topics Index

Topics are listed in alphabetical order

  1. HB 1483 (Philippine Anti-Discrimination Bill):  why it's needed NOW
  2. Will an anti-discrimination law spell the death of free speech and freedom of religion?
  3. The irrational CBCP
  4. High Court progress in other countries...what about the Philippines?
  5. The Philippines is not immune to change
  6. Why equality is on a winning streak
  7. Rene Relampagos' discriminatory amendment
  8. The Liberal (for everyone except gays) Party
  9. Where do the parties stand on LGBT rights?
  10. There are many types of families, and ALL are equally worthy of respect
  11. Things as they stand today with LGBT rights in the Philippines
  12. A brief comparison (the Philippines and Norway)

  1. Oh those shocking gay people!
  2. The bigotry of the Baguio mayor
  3. What the Baguio brouhaha showed us

  1. Demand an end to bullying
  2. Homophobia on the way out in rap music
  3. Equality 101:  teaching equality and inclusiveness from the Nordic playbook

  1. Oscar Cruz needs a check-up from the neck up
  2. It's okay to be Catholic and liberal
  3. Bishops to Filipino LGBTS:  Accept that you're second class
  4. We accept long as you never find fulfillment
  5. The Philippines: Asia's only Christian country.  Bad excuse. 
  6. The irrational CBCP

  1. Supreme Court rulings for marriage equality
  2. High Court progress in other countries...what about the Philippines?
  3. The Philippines is not immune to change
  4. Why equality is on a winning streak

  1. P.U.S.H. Pilipinas:  700 Club Asia's homophobia
  2. Double-standard much?
  3. Biblical Literalists' illogical way of looking at homosexuality and the Bible
  4. Worried about the slippery slope to human-android marriages
  5. How to avoid catching "the gay"... at least according to fundies
  6. Right-wing leaders in the US admit: "we're losing"
  7. Why I'm a liberal Christian 

  1. The cultural and historic importance of the third gender (in the Philippines and beyond)
  2. Biblical literalists and their illogical way of looking at homosexuality and the Bible
  3. Did gay marriage destroy ancient Rome?

  1. How to be inclusive of everyone
  2. King & King, and other inclusive children's books
  3. Equality 101:  teaching equality and inclusiveness from the Nordic playbook
  4. There are many types of families, and ALL are equally worthy of respect
  5. Understanding the difference between toleration and equality
  6. Why I'm a liberal Christian

  1. The Liberal (for everyone except gays) Party
  2. Where do the parties stand on LGBT rights? 
  3. Rene Relampagos' discriminatory amendment
  4. Things as they stand today with LGBT rights in the Philippines
  5. Obama and Aquino's dueling messages on marriage rights

  1. How to be politically correct and inclusive of everyone

  1. Benedict gives an anti-gay speech, God blows his hat off 
  2. It's okay to be Catholic and liberal

  1. Some good old-fashioned RH Bill panic
  2. The Archbishop is in a tizzy
  3. The RH headache in the Philippines from a Euro viewpoint

  1. P.U.S.H. Pilipinas:  700 Club Asia's homophobia
  2. Obama and Aquino's dueling messages on marriage rights
  3. President Aquino on same-sex marriage
  4. Ricky Reyes' view on same-sex marriage vs. Boy Abunda's view
  5. What the Baguio brouhaha showed us
  6. High Court progress in other countries...what about the Philippines?
  7. The Philippines is not immune to change
  8. Why equality is on a winning streak
  9. Oh those shocking gay people
  10. The Philippines: Asia's only Christian country. Bad excuse. 
  11. WWJD if he were invited to a same-sex wedding? 
  12. Philippines, don't let the world (and the money) pass you by

  1. Wedding bells for everyone in Denmark
  2. New French government to submit marriage equality legislation
  3. British PM: "It's time for marriage equality"
  4. Gay marriage destroyed ancient Rome?
  5. Why equality is on a winning streak
  6. One more reason to love New York
  7. Right-wing leaders in the US admit: "we're losing"
  8. American Medical Association says "End marriage inequality"
  9. After 10 years of marriage equality in the Netherlands, society hasn't collapsed
  10. Brazil says yes to same-sex unions
  11. Liechtenstein says yes to same-sex unions
  12. Heavily Catholic Argentina says "I do" to same-sex marriage
  13. A brief comparison (the Philippines and Norway)  
  14. Baby steps of progress in Italy
  15. Beautiful pro-marriage video from Italy
  16. Philippines, don't let the world (and the money) pass you by

  1. P.U.S.H. Pilipinas:  700 Club Asia's homophobia
  2. Understanding the biological causes of homosexuality
  3. The science of "Born this way" (scientifically speaking, Lady Gaga got it right)
  4. More hypothalamic studies in sheep
  5. The human body:  multi-functional by design (response to comment on anal sex, compatibility, etc.)
  6. According to the brain, love is love
  7. STDs, AIDS, HPV/anal cancer, and medical misinformation spread by right-wingers
  8. When boys won't be boys (gender nonconformity in kids)
  9. American Medical Association says "End marriage inequality"
  10. Why I'm a liberal Christian 
  11. Criminalization of homosexuality risks world health
  12. Oscar Cruz needs a check-up from the neck up

  1. Spanking in the Philippines
  2. Anti-spanking bill (HB 4455) passes in the Philippine House 
  3. When boys won't be boys (gender nonconformity in kids)

    1. The cultural and historic importance of the third gender (in the Philippines and beyond)

    1. Some very well done marriage equality commercials
    2. Katy Perry's Firework, full version
    3. Betty explains traditional biblical marriage (humorous)
    4. Singapore's pro-tolerance Pink Dot Campaign ad
    5. A great pro-equality commercial by the Björn Borg clothing company, Sweden
    6. President Aquino talks about same-sex marriage while in New York
    7. Clip from Paradise Hotel Scandinavia (an example of how we don't censor TV in Scandinavia)
    8. The best marriage equality ad I've ever seen
    9. 700 Club Asia's P.U.S.H. Pilipinas episode on the "threat" of gays and marriage equality 
    10. Beautiful pro-marriage video from Italy